Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Preventing Cancer with Fruits and Vegetables

Fruit and vegetable are well known in their abilities to maintain a better health and at the same time preventing cancer. While published information in medical journals about fruits and vegetables preventing stroke is new and not as well researched, consuming the photochemical that fruits and vegetables posses it a tremendous step in the right direction for countering cancer and it has been documented time and time again.

So, if it is so well established how did we get away from such a great way of thinking?
This is not what our grandparents taught us? Somewhere between point "A" and point "C" the health factor deviated from its course.
Read the rest of this article at:
Study After Study Have Shown How These Can Prevent Cancer

How To Prevent the Flu

There are alternative steps that you can take however to avoid becoming a flu victim. Of course as with all measures they are  not “guaranteed” but if you adopt them, your chances of coming down with the flu are considerably lessened and in the event that you do succumb to it your recovery will certainly be much quicker and the impact less severe.  If you do come down with the flu…please remember, flu is a virus. ANTIBIOTICS have NO effect on viruses.


The key in avoiding the flu and many other ailments is building a strong immune system. The importance of a strong immune system goes way beyond protection from flu and viruses. What needs to be appreciated is that without a healthy immune system other body systems will not function correctly. A case in point is the digestive system. A healthy digestive system depends on a healthy immune system which is why nutrients for the immune system are so important.  

Here are the steps that you need to take to achieve a healthy immune system:  
1. Get adequate sleep.  
2. Eat a nutritious diet.  
3. Maintain a reasonable level of exercise.  
4. Avoid stress.  
5. Supplement with nutrients that have a scientifically proven record for building up immune systems.  

The first four points are self explanatory but point five is tougher to do.

Activating an under active system can be achieved in several ways:

Stimulate macrophage production and activity with complex sugars or polysaccharides. Examples include: Astragalus promotes resistance against disease and appears to help restore normal immune function for cancer patients. It is also a powerful antioxidant and protects the liver from toxins. Echinacea has profound immune-enhancing effects and anti-viral activities.

Ginkgo biloba improves blood supply throughout the body and is a powerful antioxidant.

St. John’s Wort is a natural blood purifier and fights viral infections.

Other herbs that are used to boost the immune system protecting the body against infection and disease include ginger and quercetin,

The immune system can be maintained or returned to normal by providing immune boosters such as vitamins A, E and C, minerals, other antioxidants and super anti-oxidants particularly proanthocyanadins and quercitin.

Probiotics introduced to the digestive tract are good bacteria that promote a healthy functioning digestive system and help to destroy harmful bacteria.

 A kinder and gentler approach to restoring proper immune function will produce better results over the long run.


The “patent medicine” manufacturer of Flu-Mist, the flu vaccine given by nasal spray, is still at it. I listened to a radio advertisement for the product today. The manufacturers MedImmune/Wyeth, have earmarked $25M for direct to consumer advertising and another $75M for marketing to Doctors. They will have a highly convincing sales pitch, “wouldn’t you rather use a nasal spray instead of being poked with a needle.” What you have to consider is if it really is worth taking.  

Consider what the manufacturer has to say about this nasal vaccine:  
1. It is not approved for children under 5 years of age because it increases the risk of asthma attacks.  
2. They admit it is only effective in about 50% of the people who take it.  
3. It is not approved for adults over 50 years of age as trials have not shown it to be either effective or safe for that age group. 
4. Typical side effects are sore throat, coughing, runny nose and nasal congestion. Aren’t these the symptoms of the flu?  WHY would anyone give themselves flu symptoms?

 BUT... this is the biggest point to bear in mind!
5. It should only be taken by HEALTHY people who do not have compromised immune systems. This is somewhat ironic given that these are the very group of people who are the least susceptible to the flu. It is those people who have sub standard immune systems that are most at risk and these people should not take this product.  

Most people do not know the state of their immune system so I guess that a lot of people will get sick after taking this vaccine...

Final straw.......this article is 5 years old and parts of it were published in Oct of 2004.  Same old stuff and nothing has changed including how the vaccine is made, just remarketed to increase sales and fear.  Oh and those figures in the first paragraph have actually tripled so have the earnings.  When will we learn?

Watch the videos

Swine Flu Vaccination Comes With A Big Risk Factor

The biggest risk comes from the additives (or contaminants) within the vaccine. The most controversial one being thimerosal. there is a very strong scientific line of thinking that relates the increasing incidence of Autism to this substance which is injected via vaccines into babies. Not only is the finger being pointed at thimerosal as being the villain in the case of Autism but it is being suggested that it is a contributing factor in the increasing prevalence of Alzheimer’s.   Many cases of Guillemin-Barre syndrome have also been reported.

One of the worlds leading immunogeneticists and biologists Hugh Fudenberg MD suggests that if an individual has had five consecutive flu shots, their chance of getting Alzheimer’s disease is ten times greater than if they had only had a maximum of two shots. (Dr Fudenberg is considered a world authority on the matter with over 850 papers published in peer reviewed journals.)  

Dr Fudenberg claims that this is due to the mercury and aluminum in flu shots. These toxins build up in the brain causing cognitive dysfunction.

Of course not everyone agrees with his and other experts findings. In fact a group of Toronto MD's disagreed to such an extent that they went to nursing homes and asked people with Alzheimer's if they remember getting a flu injection? Most could not remember getting one. If this was not such a serious subject this would be funny given that many patients cannot even remember  
their own spouse's name! Anyway, this “research” was reported by the media as being “proof” that the flu shots were safe. The media neglected to mention that the “research” was tagged with a disclaimer which said "Because of the self reported nature of the risk factor questionnaire we cannot exclude the possibility of recall bias."