Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pneumonia and the link to Heartburn Drugs

Widely used heartburn and ulcer drugs such as Nexium, Pepcid and Prilosec can make people more susceptible to pneumonia, probably because they reduce germ-killing stomach acid.  Which means create more problems for your digestive tract by making the acids in the stomach less effective.

The biggest health risks occurred with more powerful acid-fighting drugs called proton pump inhibitors, these are sold in the United States under such brand names as Nexium, Prevacid and Prilosec. Over nearly three years, users of these drugs faced almost double the risk of developing pneumonia compared with former users.  Those that fought it naturally had none of the side effects.

Users of another class of acid-fighting drugs that includes cimetidine and famotidine -- sold in the United States as Tagamet and Pepcid -- also faced an elevated risk which compound into other health related issues. The acid in normal stomach fluids generally kills harmful bacteria; suppressing it with drugs to treat heartburn and ulcers may make the body more hospitable to such germs, which may then infect the lungs and cause pneumonia.  This in turn can lead to hospitalization and even death.

These heavily promoted medicines are among the most widely prescribed drugs worldwide, with almost $13 billion in sales in 1998 alone.   Millions of Americans take these drugs, which are heavily advertised in "ask your doctor about ..." TV commercials.

The next time you sit down to watch your favorite TV show, count how many Drug commercials come on.......it will shock you.

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